
Ryan McClements

Ryan McC

I’ve worked with Charlie many years and I couldn’t have met a nicer manager. While I no longer work for Charlie, he allowed me to develop, grow and took a punt on me when others did not. The feedback he provides can be direct but uplifting, as he’s true, honest and constructive.

Stewart W

I had the great pleasure of working with Charlie for around 4 years. He was key in my transition to a more senior management role, providing council and advice but also support and recognition.

I learned many things from him but I think his two greatest gifts were:

  • Teaching me how to manage meetings with stakeholders, quite a new challenge especially for someone who struggles with uncomfortable silences.
  • Helping me through a particularly difficult emotional time at work and in my personal life with compassion but also wisdom.

I will always reflect on how generous he was as a leader and will try to role model that myself.

stewart Watt
Andy Mannion

Andy M

Charlie is an authentic coach and mentor who genuinely cares about the progression and support of those around him. Having worked alongside Charlie for a number of years now, I have seen the benefits of this with his team as they have progressed with his guidance.

Nuno N

Charlie has been an absolutely brilliant coach for me. He had helped me understand things and had motivated me in many different ways.

He is very calm, positive, observant and a clear communicator, which goes a long way.

I have no doubt that others will benefit from Charlie’s coaching style as he has been super helpful to me. Thank you for everything Charlie!

Francesca Z

Charlie has mentored me from my first year in HSBC and has supported me through career, leadership, and development conversations amongst more.

He’s very passionate about developing people, and I continue to gain a lot out of our regular conversations. We have open and honest conversations, and he’s a great soundboard and trusted advisor.

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